No Name

-I feel good when my friends feel good. Last few weeks one of my friend was desperately wanting to talk her heart out and I could not manage a proper time to hear her… finally yesterday it happened and she text-ed back saying “feeling lighter and better, thanks for being there”. I don’t know exactly what I did but whatever it was, I’m feeling much lighter to be able to provide her that strength and be around! I’m glad I was not too late!

-Relationships are always confusing. One might say, it is we who complicate things, which is true but I still feel there are reasons and some great power behind every step that we take in life. One step here and one step there changes the dynamics of the situation. You like someone and then you don’t like someone. It is not only the incidences and situations that help you make your decisions but universe conspires, I believe!

-Life is beautiful but running so fast that I can’t even say I’m taking in all its beauty! Irony, right?

-Work life ? No comments!

-We bought a new car this Deepawali. It is i10 Grand in white. White? sigh! No, I’ve no issues with the color white, but all I love is the color black. And this time we could not get black in time and had to settle down with white, so!

-Chirpy has named both cars in her own innocent style: Black-ey and White-y! So my car i.e. the black one is black-ey and Husby’s car is white-y! As an adult I would have probably not even thought of naming the cars, or maybe I would have simply called them new and old or with their own original names (i10 grand & WagonR) but this little female jumped and threw her choices of names, of course we didn’t have any choice but to accept 🙂

-Some people fill in great joy in your life-either by being around or by their writing. I simply love this female and there are so many points where I connect with her writing, at so many levels! She is in word : Simplicity (personified)!

-Reading? I think I’ve forgotten how to read books. I’ve forgotten what books mean, sin, I know 😦

-Made a Pune office trip last  month and I’ve to write about that, but that calls for a proper post because it is about her and her! So now you know why a separate post, right? 🙂

-In all these things that are happening around, I terribly miss my parents, my childhood and my own self! Does this happen to you?

15 thoughts on “No Name

  1. Oh you met up with awesome is that :):)

    Congrats on whitey :):) Chirpy is super cute 🙂

    Dont worry you will get time to rediscover books. Thats a habit not worth letting go off okay?

  2. Am completely able to relate to this post Scribby..It fairly captures my current state of mind.. I terribly miss my parents, my childhood and my own self!It happens to me many times.

    1. Owww!!! no no no please don’t get this wrong… meeting DI was the first time sweetheart, hence that mention 🙂 Hoping my entry to your home is not restricted now? *puppy eyes*

C'mon,out with it,right here :)