Nothing Works…

….be it music,rains,books,scrabble,gtalk,sketching,chocolates,ice-cream…just nothing works..nothing helps in pepping you up when the husband is not there with you…

so what if you know that he is away only for few hours ?

so what if you’ve so options listed above but you can still feel lonely in the house !

so what if you claim to be brave and that in the hearts of heart you are scared when you’ve to stay alone at home in the night !

so what if the husband would have been there you would not have been stuck on him all the time !

so what…..!!!

What the heck ! I’m missing him terribly..yeah this might sound kiddish but that’s how I’m feeling right now..just lonely and terribly lonely at that 😐

Love does that to you na ? You require to see that person around you if not with you all the time…the assurance that you’re with each other…I feel like a lonely baby !!!

Only when this kind of situation arises the time ticks so slow…so damn slow,isn’t it ? Haven’t you experienced such a moment when you want the stupid hours to pass away ASAP ? So what have you done then ?

27 thoughts on “Nothing Works…

  1. Awww. I can completely relate to this feeling. And whatever I say will not help you. I guess even this post was born out of the boredom and emptiness.

    Hope you feel better.

    Big hugs,

  2. Oh yeah and what I miss the most is trying to howl almost in his ears about How I spent the day :mrgreen: and of course to show all the bruises I got bcoz of my clumsiness and the way he still acts shocked and concerned looking at them 😥

    So is your guy back yet? Did you do a tribal dance when he rang the bell, to welcome him home? 🙄

  3. Yeah, I do miss him during his tours…but tell you what…now, I’ve got used to it sort of…with the girls around, we try to watch silly romantic movies or cook something, which he doesnt like…to keep the mind occupied.

    So, is he back ???? Enjoy Nu…love you and hugs. 🙂

    1. oh yes he was back in time as promised 🙂 and I became happier and merrier once again 🙂

      Kids do help,right ?? At least they keep you engrossed in them and their company is the bestest,ain’t it 🙂

  4. oh u changed ur name to scribbler. why so? I and D are apart since our marriage..meeting once in two months + one month summer vacation…few months more to go…till I complete my masters back home. Sigh!

    1. oh is that so ?? I can so relate to this situation…we’ve been apart for 2 long years post marriage 😐 but we met every weekend 🙂

      The time shall pass and you’ll be a happy soul 🙂

  5. Nu. Seriously. I am going to thwack you on the head. I am without The Dude for 3 weeks now, and there is one more month to go. So only I get to crib and complain. Don’t you dare take my thunder away. Argh!

  6. I sleep …… and the time ticks away so much so that I become deaf to the door bell and the ringtone or any other sounds 😀 😛

    Sure you are feeling better now, that the One is there with you 🙂

  7. o0hh yeah baby i hear u…i am so ashamed of how uncool and weeping i am when the husband’s away…U go baby…u r allowed to feel that way…if nothing to make us all be part of the same “uncool clingy wife club”

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